Friday, February 12, 2010

More Anti-Obama Trash

So today I receive another unsolicited email bashing Obama - this time for putting his feet up on the desk in the Oval Office. Here are a few choice remarks from the email:

"We should inundate the White House with emails demanding he keep his feet off of our furniture. This arrogant, immature, and self-centered man has no sense of honor, or of simple decency."

"He thinks of himself as a king -- and not as a servant of the people, humbly occupying our White House for his term in office."

Now you can probably guess what I did next: quickly Google "Bush feet on desk," and in a flash I found a photo of Dubya in exactly the same position as Obama. And there was also a nice photo of Jerry Ford doing the same thing. The difference? Well, Obama is a Democrat, and he's an African-American, and I guess that's enough for these right-wing nuts!